The base of our work

Three little ingredients, together they become the base of slow dating and a paradigm shift in dating.


There are countless studies made on love, relationships and dating. We will teach you all the science you need to know on how to meet love (clue: it’ll surprise you).

We've gathered a  selection of our favourite studies under the tab "science". Our favourite one?

The study out of Duke & Harvard showing that matchmaking promotes happiness. You can't make this sh*t up.


Intuition is something we all have a personal relationship with. But what if we told you that we have matched people since forever, before we were matchmakers, whom are still together, based solely on intuition. Do not underestimate the power of things you can’t really put your finger on, when it comes to such complex things as relationships.


We know what works and not, because we’ve tried it all. We have proof of what works, and you will most likely not like the proof, but as some ol’ man once said “knowledge is power”. Most matchmaking agencies are either science driven or intuition driven. Cracking the code, we use both. Both are equally important. When you’ve met with us, whether you’re a client or just a compadre y madre, you will get it.
Cooking and matchmaking - both art forms.
Photo by erik nylander